the university of texas

A Letter from the President
Welcome to the Beta Eta chapter of Delta Gamma at the University of Texas -
I am so glad you are here! I am honored to serve as this year’s Chapter
President. It has been an immense privilege to serve the members of this
chapter who have shown me what it means to be authentic.
Going through recruitment, I sought women that I could authentically be
myself around. DG accepted me and loved me for all that I am. What’s special
about DG is that it doesn't fit a certain "mold" - they are compassionate,
uplifting, ambitious, intelligent, funny, understanding, empathetic, bold, the
list is endless. It’s the authenticity that DG embodies that creates a
sisterhood that goes beyond friendship; it’s family. I only hope that my words
can give you a glimpse of the authenticity our chapter embodies and how it
has made four years of college fly in the blink of an eye.
DG taught me to be brave in a new environment and gave me sisters that
made Austin feel like a second home. Navigating a new city full of
opportunities can feel daunting as an incoming freshman. But, I can assure
you that these opportunities are at your fingertips waiting to be explored. My
freshman year I was afraid of change; I was unsure of how I would meet
these “life-long friends” everyone had been telling me about while also
balancing UT’s rigorous academics. DG made these fears dissipate. DG
introduced me to the people I now call my life-long friends. People that are
boisterously funny, academically motivated, spontaneous, and dedicated to
the ones they love. Each year I continue to find life-long friends in DG
whether it’s an older mentor, like Smith Boles, or a younger chapter member,
like Allie Castaneda.
The beauty of DG is that people who began as a name you hear on bid day
soon become someone so much more significant in your life. I am lucky and
eternally grateful to say that my first friend in DG, who I met on bid day,
became my roommate in the Deeg my junior year. My DG family that began
as a family of six my freshman year has now become a family of 16 who is no
longer just a “DG family”, they are my home away from home. Living in the
Deeg offered so many new friendships that have left a lasting impact on me: 5
pm dinner debriefs, late nights studying in the formal room, painting bid day
letters in the chapter room, and movie marathons in the orange room are
moments I relish. As a rising senior, I hold on tight to these memories
knowing my time at UT is coming to a close but it makes my time in DG so
much more special. I now have a front row seat to see current and future
DGs continue to make impactful memories in this chapter whether it’s on bid
day, big little, hanging out in the Deeg, or exploring the city of Austin.
I know that I cannot speak for every DG’s time here at Beta Eta but I see the
love that our members have for this chapter and its members - nothing
brings me more joy than getting to see women navigate their new journey at
UT with the unwavering support of DGs by their side. I am so thankful for
this chapter that has fostered a welcoming and loving environment for its
sisterhood to flourish, and I am so excited for the next generation of DGs to
begin their new chapter of life. Whether you are a young woman considering
Greek Life at UT, one of our alumni checking in with the happenings of Beta
Eta, or a friend or family of one of our beloved members, I am grateful that
you are here and I hope that you can see just how special our chapter is.
Hook 'Em,
Emma Arrington
Beta Eta Chapter President